Thursday, August 12, 2010

Interview: @LDrummonds discusses "Time and Space"


That's probably the easiest way to explain Lance Drummonds' "Time and Space" album. But his album is more complex than that. It's about the complexity of the "baggage" we inevitably carry from relationship to relationship. And quite frankly, the album is dope.

I had the opportunity to check out Lance's album well ahead of it's release date. It was back in June that I first heard "Time and Space." From the initial listening, the project resonated with me. Tracks like "Share My Heart", "Gon' Love Me" and the album's namesake "Time and Space", all spoke to my real life experiences.

It will resonate with you too. Lance belts out lyrics that touch home, over well produced tracks. "Time and Space" gives our experiences a soundtrack.

I reached out to Lance just after he released his latest offering for a Q&A. Check out Lance in his own words.

The Mad Bloggers: Who is Lance Drummonds?

Lance Drummonds: If the music from the 70's and the 90's had a baby that could sing, that is who Lance Drummonds would be.  He's from Elmont, Long Island, a college grad, and loves to connect with a crowd.

TMB: Sum up Time & Space in five words or less

LD: Transition from pain to promise

TMB: How was the journey to creating and putting out Time and Space?

LD: It was a long, tedious but a fulfilling process. Creating the concept and idea was easy because it was based on life experiences that both I and Old Money encountered but executing the idea was what threw me for a loop. Because it was my debut album, it had to be to as close to perfect as possible, so I recorded it, didn't like the sound then re-recorded, re-mixed and had it re-mastered all on my own budget. I was just speaking about this yesterday, what many listeners may not understand is that it takes a singer at least twice as long as a rapper or musician to create a song from start to finish. From the writing to the recording to the mixing could take easily up to 12-24 hours for one song, especially if you are critical with its sound and delivery. But all in all this process was full of lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my career.

TMB: What's the one track that speaks to who you are as a musician on Time and Space?

LD: Well, I think "Gon Love Me" is my favorite production on the album.  It shows my range as a producer. But because I am a pianist, "Selfish" may be a more appropriate answer.

TMB: What's the one track that speaks to who you are as a person on Time and Space?

LD: HANDS DOWN, "Share My Heart Again."  This song is the true emotional - cancer, I just want to crawl up and be alone song. And sometimes we just need that outlet, that medium to address what we are feeling and with me, music is the way to do that. I think this is the best example of how I transform my inner emotions, concerns or thoughts into a song that not only allows me to release it and get it off of my chest, but allows me to connect with someone else who may have been or who is going through the exact same situation. Because as a 20 something year old man, I KNOW I am not the only one who has ever been afraid to love again, so I think people can relate.

TMB: Random ... you're stuck on an island with one record for a year, what record is it and why?

LD: Michael Jackson, "Thriller" -- It has a song for every mood you will feel, should you be stuck on an island for the rest of your life. There is the "I'm on an island" party song in "P.Y.T" and on the other side of the spectrum there is the, "I'm on an island" solitude song in "Human Nature."  You can't go wrong with that album.

TMB: And last but not least, what's next?

LD: I plan to do as many shows as possible to promote the album. Im heading down to Atlanta from August 19- August 22nd.  I'm going to head to LA in the fall and I plan to have a few more shows in New York.  I want Time and Space to reach as many people as possible, not because I want to go platinum but because I know there are a ton of people who can relate to this story and it is my duty to let them know they are not alone.

<a href="">Time and Space by Lance Drummonds</a>

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