Friday, August 06, 2010

Friday's Five Random Questions with @YCtheCynic

We decided to kick off a new feature on the blog called Friday's Five Random Questions. We'll spotlight a new artist each Friday and ask them five random questions. We think it will be an interesting way to get to know different artists without necessarily talking about just music.

YC The Cynic is up first. I had the chance to meet him while in Brooklyn a few weeks back. Cool dude. Very talented. Check out how YC answered five random questions.

Hometown: Bronx, New York
Current City: Bronx, New York
How long have you been doing music: Writing for 10 years. Pursuing for 1 and 1/2
Discography: You're Welcome (Mixtape) and The Spectacle (Coming Soon)
Label: What's a label?
Describe your music in five words or less: Lyrics that speak for themselves

The Mad Bloggers: Alright, YC let's get to the questions. First up, your celebrity crush at age 10, 15 and now?

YC The Cynic: At 10, I was crushing on Topanga. At 15, I was crushing on Lauren London (Pre-Weezy). Now, it's all about Keri Hilson. That sporty, active girl look is the ish.

TMB: What TV character would you be and why?

YC: I would be Gerald from Hey Arnold. Dude was mad smooth. And the only black dude in the whole show.

TMB: You're at dinner with five people from history (living or dead) who are they?

YC: Michael Jackson, the easiest one. For one, I'd like to know if he's living or not. (I have my suspicions, that person from the This Is It tour conferences aint look like him) Number two, three, and four would be Eminem, Cee-Lo, and Mos Def. I have to get advice and opinions from them. They're two of my favorites ever. Number five ... man ... gotta be Hitler yo. If I could somehow have a civilized convo with Hitler, I would HAVE to get "Gift of Gab" lessons. (no offense to anyone).

TMB: You're stranded on an island with one album, which album is it?

YC: It would have to be MF Doom's Special Herbs joint. Or any dope beat CD. Then, I could just make up my own different songs about how stranded I was. That would hit close to home.

TMB: Alright, last question ... Jesus and Kanye West are producing a track for you. What's your first line?

YC: First line... "I couldnt get God but I'll settle for ya'll" (lol)

<a href="">Summertime High by YC The Cynic</a>

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