Thursday, July 01, 2010

Nasa of Uncommon Records recalls The Rammellzee (RIP)

I'm posting this a day late. I'd like to thank Nasa from Uncommon Records for passing this along.
What's up everyone?  For those that don't know, news has come down that hip-hop & graffiti pioneer The Rammellzee has unfortunately passed away.

While I didn't know him personally, I had the rare treat of a sit down audio interview with him for my podcast, Uncommon Radio in early 2007.  We talked about the beginnings of hip-hop, the evolution of his career and played a bunch of his music including some stuff that was not released at the time.  He also dropped a super abstract freestyle at the end of the show.

I'm proud to have gotten the chance to talk with him and with him gone now, I thought this would be a good way for younger generations to now find out more about him.

peace, nasa.

Check the podcast interview

Nasa recalls day he spent with The Rammellzee

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