Thursday, June 03, 2010

What I'm Watching ... @The_ICs "Stadium Status"

Yes, that's former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer with the Internets Celebrities

Dallas Penn is a funny dude. I don't know him outside of the Internets but I fuks with him. Anyway, the Internets Celebrities (Dallas Penn x Rafi Kam x Casimir Nozkowski) have been having one of the biggest weeks EVER. It started off with a feature in the NY Times, followed by an appearance on MSNBC and now the new video. Check out "Stadium Status." CHEA!
Our starting point for this movie was simply asking the question: why did the Yankees and the Mets get to build record-breakingly expensive stadiums in the SAME YEAR? Considering we were on the brink of a massive recession and now face massive budget shortfalls in New York state, it seemed problematic that so much public funding went into these buildings – with little assurance of any tangible public benefit.

From there, we employed our usual investigation methods. Namely, go to a place and start filming. We actually got into Citifield and were able to film there. Yankee Stadium confiscated our tape – but we still managed to talk to people and capture the exterior of the massive new structure.

We looked at the communities being affected by these stadiums and tried to see who exactly was benefiting from these teams getting to build new revenue-maximizing ballparks – directly across from the old ones.

It’s a big topic, could probably fill up a feature film or two and in the end is our longest movie to date – coming in at a potentially unviral 18 minutes.

We could not have made this movie without you, internets and if you dig it, please pass it along to anyone else who might enjoy it. In the end, we’re baseball fans and still root for these teams. But it doesn’t mean it’s not worth questioning their methods.

Thank you very much for watching. Chea!

Stadium Status from Internets Celebrities on Vimeo.

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1 comment:

  1. HELL YES. I saw these guys in the f'ing New York Times while I was on lunch break this week!! So glad they're getting some shine because this is the kind of shit that NEEDS to blow up...they're doing good work.
