So this dude out the blue hits me up on Twitter about his music. Here's what he says...
"What's good? Not sure if you know of me, I'm from Vancouver BC and have a new album to promote - as a blogger, do you have any tips/advice?"
So I proceeded to give him my opinions on how to get heads to listen to his music. I say this...
"Don't spam it. Talk to people normally. Throw the link out so people can hear. Bandcamp is a nice site for previewing. Being more personal works. Like, what you're doing now is better than 'Hey, got a new album out. Check it out.' and then just flood the social networks with your music."
He did well with me. I listened. And I'm glad because this album is nice. So now....I'm hitting you guys with the link so you can see for yourself. He already had a Bandcamp page. I love those sites. Let's me review it before deciding to buy it, because we all know, I can't bring Bandcamp with me to the gym, car or job unless I always have my laptop, which I don't. I don't even own one. Haha. Check it out. Hit play and all the tracks will play or you can click the down arrow next to the song title.
Jeff Spec's BandCamp
Jeff Spec's MySpace
Jeff Spec's Twitter
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