Music Breakers Nowadays: Is it still the DJ or has it become the Blogger?
The music that we get on mainstream radio was handpicked by some suits that run a record company. Who told them that’s what the people want to hear?? For years they’ve been giving us crap. Don’t get me wrong, they have let some gems out but for the most part, it’s garbage. These past few years especially, mainstream music for me, is on a rapid decline. This is why the underground/independent movement is detrimental to this here Hip-Hop game. It is music that gets created for the people and gets supported by the people. Yes, mainstream music gets supported by the people but only after continuous brainwash play on the radio. Sometimes, it feels as if you have no choice but to like it.
There used to be a time where the DJ at a club had the new tune in his crate. He would play a song, watch the crowd’s reaction and report back to the artist. Or, the artist would walk in and see how the crowd reacted to the tune. You knew if it was a banger based on that. DJs and artists still do that but now there are other influences. DJs are not true to the game and accept money and other bribes to break certain songs. Songs they know suck. I think that is a disservice to the people and they should have their turntables, I mean iPods revoked.
We don’t have to depend on those types of sellout mainstream DJs anymore. Underground DJs are still true to the game and there is a new force on the horizon...The Blogger. Blog sites and Internet radio are making and breaking underground artists. Bloggers and Internet radio shed light on artists who might not otherwise be heard. This is a big deal because blog sites and internet radio are read and heard WORLDWIDE!!! There are artists who look for certain bloggers to post their music because they have a huge following and their sense of music is keen. They will get a raw, honest opinion from blog readers as well as a real people perspective from the blogger.
There are some signed artists who don’t want their posts on blogs. That could be for various reasons. Either you don’t care what the public have to say because they know mainstream clown radio will play it anyway, or maybe you know the public will rip your wack shit to shreds or you know that the public will see right through your shenanigans and you will lose supporters rather than gain. *Take that. Take that.* #ShotsFIRED
At the end of the day artists, you should know that the public should be your top critic. DJs used to be a reliable source but some of them have become tainted and cater to the industry bullshit. Music companies will tell you whatever and turn an artist into anything they think will sell. Blog sites and internet radio is run by the people, for the people. I trust the word of the sites that I read and follow. We do it because we have a genuine love for it, definitely NOT because we get paid, which in my opinion, makes it a very credible opinion source.
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