You see… There is always someone to prove me right. There is nothing like a groupie scorned. This [we'll call her Kitten] chick is that girl I try to warn y’all about. Groupies are nothing but a problem. People say “let them live” but seriously, she is that ass pimple that just won’t go away.
Sleeping with people and then putting their information on blast is the biggest hoe come up in the book. And people are letting her do it! She didn’t even sleep with anybody worth mentioning. Young Money?? Really? Bow-Wow? PLEASEEEEEE! I mean if it wasn’t Drake, who gives a fuck? And Lil Wayne? We already know that if it’s a damp hole he’ll stick it, so that doesn’t really say much either.
Her videos and tweets give you the story. She is that not so smart girl who could do nothing else but sling crotch for a living. And not even well enough to get a ride home from the dudes she was screwing. They sent her home in a CAB!! LMAO Not only is she stupid but so are the few thousand bird followers that are supporting her. Young women everywhere are following her and listening to her every word. I swear, she is the one thing society did not need right now. Kitten, what kind of woman are you that you would exploit yourself and other people’s personal lives like this? I wonder if she’s mad because they mistreated her in some kind of way. Perhaps they didn’t give her the money she asked for or those front row concert tickets she requested. She chose to sleep with these men. That alone should void anything she says. They didn’t force themselves on her or anything. People paying sooo much attention to “Tales of a Groupie” is just ridiculous. She’s giving up information like where people live, phone numbers, dick size, longevity… And for what?? Because she’s a broke bitch lookin’ for a dollar? This is a dangerous game she’s playing. And she’s lucky that none of these dudes have a wife or girlfriend like me. Seriously, not only would my significant other catch a bad one but she would too.
Now y’all know that I don’t condone violence but when it is in my backyard, anything goes.
She is setting a horrible example for young women, like herself, that have low self-esteem. She is showing them that negative attention is good attention and it’s not.
Ultimately though, who’s to blame here?? The men. They had to have seen that she was a piece of work. Her voice alone should have been a turn-off. But all they see is free puss and an opportunity to get one off right quick. Some men have no ability to make a mindful decision when their penis is erect. It is a sad but true reality I am learning quick and fast. But one better, there’s still some dudes out there that will allow their penis to find their way in between her legs even after all of this. #MANFail!
But in the meantime, Kitten, you need to sit back and take a good look at your life and the crap you created. Since you are so entwined in the rap game right now, perhaps my friends from Brand Nubian can help you put things in perspective...
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The intro was tooo funny and that piece was nice. I don't have any daughters, but my nieces know I will embarass the H-E- double hockey sticks out of them if they do something like that.