Driving across the bridge and into New Jersey yields a horrid smell. Well I was nowhere near there last night and managed to get the same effect. All from a TV show. For the first time, I sat down and watched the MTV masterpiece “The Jersey Shore”.. I have to say, I watched in awe…
Never in my life have I ever been proud to NOT see minorities on a TV show. Actually that is a lie. There is an African American on the show and he is the cast members’ boss, the irony, and they have to report to him. LMAO, sorry...
Anyway. Let me just start by saying that if I was Italian, I would be hella pissed. The Jersey Shore is nothing but an hour long stereotypical depiction of Italian Americans. I am trying to figure out why MTV would even air such a thing in the first place. The characters alone are annoying as hell. They are 8 Italian American strangers put in a house with a big giant Italian flag on the garage and a 'gynormous' Scarface poster on the wall. Let’s not forget the tacky leopard thing on the wall too.
So we have Angelina, J-Woww, Mike, Snooki, Pauly D, Ronnie, Sammi and Vinni. Staten Island, Frankiln Square and the Bronx are where some of these people reside and if you’ve been there, you already know what it is. These folks play into all of the stereotypes… “Affliction” glitter shirts, gelled up hair, pumped-up bodies (I actually appreciated that part...don’t judge me), long acrylic nails, fake tans, obnoxious tones, the whole bit. It’s amazing because while everyone else thinks the show sucks, those who live this kind of lifestyle probably thinks it’s the best thing since candy.
The women on this show are super-de-duper obnoxious. Snooki needs a muzzle. She doesn’t shut up for a second. Angelina is an attention whore who leaves the house because of her married boyfriend. J-Woww and her tattered blond streaks is a dirty party girl who cheats on her boyfriend (and I can call her dirty because she was wearing the T-Shirt). Sammi is a closet freak, or so it appears. The fellas are surprisingly not so bad. The only real male irritation is Mike...he uses the word “situation’ more than he blinks his eyes. I can list their vocabulary on a gum wrapper citing the words “Yo”, “Situation”, “ova here” multiple times.
Now although I swore not to watch this garbage ever again, next week, a NYC gym teacher commits an assault on one of the characters. Snooki gets man-punched in the face something terrible. It was not a punch, she gets SNUFFED!!! Now I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that a teacher created such a crime or that MTV aired it after the fact. I am slowly but surely thinking that MTV is becoming the white counterpart of BET. The crap that they have been putting on the air is not even quality. It is hot garbage! They should have just stuck to music.
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And that's why I just don't watch TV anymore... But I would consider letting my child catch an episode of how "the other-half" of some of them white folk live... Just so she'd have something to actually balance the crap BET has been airing. (I'm so glad she's still in the Disney Channel/Nicklodeon stage right now)