I eat out at restaurants a lot. Personally, it's because I'm too lazy to cook myself and also because I'm out a lot. Makes sense, doesn't it? Well, recently I was on vacation a few weeks back and obviously there's not much I can do about eating out. Funny thing is that in areas most visited by those on vacation, prices are higher. And in some areas, much higher. But that was to be expected.
I've had debates and discussions for years back and forth about the restaurant industry and how the wait staff's income is much lower than most other positions of employment. Q and I spoke on this time and time again. I feel like you can't really complain about what you're getting paid when there's other jobs available that will pay you more. Even working at the mall, you may be able to get paid more. You chose that job. I didn't make you work there. I hear the argument is that tips can put them over that edge that makes applying for the position more tempting.
Before I get tons of hate mail, let me set the record straight. I tip. And I do it 99.9% of the time. As much as I might disagree with it, I tip. I don't get tips where I work. Argument is I get paid a lot more. My rebuttal is "Well, no one told you to work at a restaurant. You could make more working as a cashier somewhere." But the debates never ends.
So back to the story, I'm on vacation. Didn't notice till maybe the 3rd day that pretty much anywhere I went to eat, gratuity was included. My thoughts.......who ok'd this idea? What type of B.S. is that? And is it still considered "gratuity" if I have no choice but to add it?

According to Encarta, gratuity is defined as money given in appreciation: a small gift, usually of money, given to somebody such as a waiter as thanks for service given.
So how can you call it gratuity when you force me to give it to you? I can't co-sign on that. For that reason and for a much bigger reason I'm not advocating this mess is that what will guarantee that I get satisfactory service if you know beforehand that you are already getting your tip? You can be a dick to me. Forget to give me utensils or even a straw. Don't refill my drink. Give me what I didn't order and then take your sweet ass time getting me what I originally ordered. All while chit chatting in the back with your other co-working tip enforcers.
Yeah, that pretty much ticked me off. But.....service was adequate so what do I do? Not much. Paid the bill and went on my way to spend more of my money, at times unwillingly, throughout the week. I mean, after all, I was on vacation.
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At SOME restaurants, gratuity is automatically included when your total bill goes over a certain amount. I think this is overall fair, because some people are horrible tippers and try to jip their waiter. For example, leavinga a $10 tip for a $250 bill.
ReplyDeleteBut I agree with you. How can you force someone to tip? If that's the case, why don't they just increase the price of everything on the menu?
Gratuity included on the bill? Yea, I seen that b.s. here in Atlanta even. They do this at Uptown Comedy Corner. God forbid I am drunk as hell and forget about this and tip twice...but then again, maybe they are hoping for this. I'm sorry that smoe people are horrible tippers, but why are we taking it out on everyone else? In this regard, I agree that no one told you to work there in the first place. And damn, raise the prices a lil bit, but know that I may decide to go elsewhere. Geez...
ReplyDeleteHow the hell did tipping begin anyway???
ReplyDeleteThey better not start expecting a gratuity tip in the strip clubs!