And here we go again.
What’s the expression again? That’s right … when it rain, it pours. That’s what I think of when I peep the horrible programming decisions on Vh1. You know, just when you think it’s bad, it gets worse.
The brothers of the Stallioniares are back to do it all over again, with 20 new women filling the stable, as the brothers attempt to find “love” again. Yes, I use the word love loosely in the contexts of a reality dating show.
But we knew a season 2 was coming. Seriously, how many of these Vh1 dating reality shows last one season? Well? Oh, I’ll wait. To me it just boils down to publicity and it’s just one big game show that puts the winner in a good place for future opportunities (enter Hoopz here – and I also use “good place” loosely).
Real Chance of Love 2 held casting calls throughout the month of March and word has it that they are currently in production on the second season. I can’t imagine Chance (who is a spazz and seems to have some anger management issues) or Real (who had better hair than all the ladies on the show and probably won’t date a chick with split ends) really being able to settle down. But this is television and we’ll witness more madness and crazy tasks for solo dates and more ridiculous nick names (i.e. Cornfed, MILF, Bay Bay Bay, Meatball, Rabbit and So Hood). Oh, the nicknames and how they reinforce a positive image for the ladies.
I have a big question for Vh1. No, it’s not whether or not they think reality-dating stars will truly find love, but whether Flavor Flav is catching royalties on all of these ridiculous shows. Well, is he? Think about it, they’ve pretty much run a copy/paste formula here since the first season of Flavor of Love aired. New York, who appeared on two seasons of Flavor of Love has had three spin off shows (I Love New York 1 & 2, New York Goes to Hollywood and now New York Goes to work). Real and Chance, members of I Love York season 1 then appeared on I Love Money and now they are in the second season of their spin off show. Then for the Love of Ray J and Rock of Love are basically mirror images of Flavor of Love. And who started with the dumb nicknames? That’s right, your boy, Flaaaaaaavooooooooor FLAVVVVVV!!!!!! So, hopefully he’s seeing some dividends from all the madness.
Here’s a few spin off suggestions:
In Danger of Love – Featuring home chick Danger from For the Love of Ray. Think about the crazy dudes they would cast for a show like this.
Entertainer Goes to Work – Cause, damn we know that dude needs a job stat.
And Then I Got Locked Up – Featuring Sapphire and her adventures on the run from the law while appearing on reality television.
I mean, if we’re out to make trash reality television shows, why not go all out. Right?
I wonder what the Vh1 Christmas parties look like with this like one degree of separation between all of the shows. Danger and Bay Bay Bay having a drink, while Ray J and Bret Michaels talk it up with Flavor Flav. Chance is jumping on a table somewhere cursing and smoking a pack of cigarettes, while Hoopz is working the pole. MILF is snitching to Cocktail about someones business but it’s not even the truth. New York is arguing with Tailor Made, and It is pretending to be stupid while Sapphire is dodging the police. The whole time, Real is just combing his hair.
It’s all just one giant tragedy.
Plus more reality madness:
The Road to Reality Television
Tailor Made & It - The Odd Couple
Rock Bottom with Daisy of Love
New York Goes to Work
Check out more from The Mad Bloggers
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