I know this story is a few days old but came across these links and felt the need to post. I make no secret that I think Kobe is overrated and a real arrogant dude (O will back me on that). But, Kobe fans can't be told anything. So, let's just agree to disagree about Kobe as a player.
With that said, I think Kobe is a chump and if this was Ron Artest from a few years ago I'm sure he would have taken Kobe's head off. Understandable that basketball is basketball and things get physical. No doubt. Go hard or go home, this is the playoffs. I get that.
But there are too things that I will never respect if a player uses them in their game. 1) The lazy clowns that step in the middle of the lane, plant their feet and put their arms by their side to take a charge. News flash, that's not defense, that's being a bitch. And 2) players that throw reckless elbows. Remember those elbows that Patrick Ewing use to throw? Deadly. I just can't respect it.
However, when you're a notable player in the NBA you get away with cheap shots. Michael Jordan use to get away with stuff all the time because of his stature in the game.
Anyway, take a look at both of these clips from after the game. Kobe is an arrogant dude that I think really believes that he's the greatest thing for basketball since the three point line.
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Kobe Bryant really annoys me. Just looking at him makes me.. Mad. Makes me wanna punch something, or some one. Uck. He's just a fake ass dude that you can see right through. Uck.