Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Funny Pic... Sometimes There are Treasures in Forwarded Emails

Does this bed make me look fat?: Barbie at 50

I really don't like forwarded email. You know, the "send this to 20 people" type of emails. I really hate it more when heads don't "bcc" and your email gets out there for others to send you forwards too. Great, just what I need in my inbox. Most of the time I just delete forwards outright, especially if it's from someone notorious for just sending forwards. You know the person I'm talking about. The one that hasn't sent you a personal email in years and won't respond to your "hey, how are things going" inquiries but shoot, if they need to send an email to 20 people real quick before their love life goes into the crapper from some curse associated with the chain email, you're number one of the list. Nope, delete.

Anyway, the picture above came from a forward that I almost didn't open but I'm happy I did. Thought it was a ridiculous rendering of what Barbie would look like if she hadn't kept herself in shape over the last 50 years. Good thing Barbie has handlers that won't allow the most important part of the toy doll market to gain that type of weight. Her weight has actually been part of numerous controversies, saying that she didn't give off the image of a real woman. If you can recall, she gained some weight a few years back but when the Bratz hit the scene, she quickly lost it (I have a daughter who plays with dolls, damn it's not like I'm really following it).

Maybe I got too deep on this quick post of a funny picture. Anyway, thought I would forward it to the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Did you notice my new blog: http://forwardability.blogspot.com/-- all about the fun, fuss, and fury of the forwarded emails.

    Will appreciate your comments.

    Wish you and your family season greetings, happy holidays, happy Hanukkah, merry Christmas, Winter Solstice, Muharram, and a very happy and prosperous new year!!
