Friday, April 10, 2009

Despite The Economy...Business Is Still A Hit.

(Click picture for full view.)

So on my way to the NYC to see aforementioned artists Sunbears!, The Black Kids and Mates of State, I stopped by a local pizza shop to grab a slice before the show. Sat on a stool in the corner, minding my business, chit chatting with a friend of mine when I look behind them and low and behold......a side of a soda machine filled with these little pull tab type flyers offering services ranging from help with your Mac, to guitar lessons, to writing for actors. But one stood out for two reasons. First, the title on the flyer in big, bold letters. And second, it was the most taken. At first, I thought it was a joke. But if you read the paper, I just couldn't find anything humorous or sense some kind of sarcasm in it. Maybe I'm not getting it. Maybe it's some inside joke that I, as an outsider, can't decipher. Either way, I guess even the economy can't stop the flow of money for some jobs! Watch your back, folks. Hahaha!


  1. this is pure tomfoolery.

  2. Wow...... "lovers, business partners, insurance frauds"... lol. Guess you gotta do what you gotta do!
